Sixth Pay Commission: Class and Gender Bias

TitleSixth Pay Commission: Class and Gender Bias
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsMina S
JournalEconomic & Political Weekly
Start Page22-24
Date Published04/2009
KeywordsGender and Women’s Rights, Maternity Entitlements

The Sixth Pay Commission has recommended a liberal increase in maternity and childcare facilities – a welcome move. It has however specified only women, thus making childcare the mother’s responsibility alone.
Even the present entitlements are implemented only in the government and public sector, largely ignored in the private sector and not available at all to a majority of women in the unorganised sector though some
states have made attempts to cover the latter. The central government has also ignored the National Labour Commission (2002) report that emphasises the State’s share in providing maternity entitlements in different sectors rather than making it the employer’s liability alone.
