Drama in Schools

TitleDrama in Schools
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1968
AuthorsMina S
Number of Pages136
PublisherNational Council of Educational Research and Training
CityNew Delhi

Education today needs to be revitalised, and the attack must come from many directions. The practice of the arts, providing at the same time both discipline and the joy of creation, is one of the best ways of helping children to grow into mature and balanced adults. Drama, unlike some of the other arts, is both an individual and a cooperative enterprise, and hence possesses the special advantages of each. besides being a joyful and worthwhile pursuit in itself, it has tremendous possibilities for the development of the potential abilities of the child, and for these reasons, it must find a important place in education. In order to find its rightful place in the curriculum, drama will have to demonstrate its value and utility, and the task of doing so will have to be taken up as a challenge by the teacher.
