This Annual Report comes to you at a historic moment:

This Annual Report comes to you at a historic moment: a global pandemic has affected the lives and livelihoods of millions, with the greatest burden falling on the poorest households. Over the past few months, the staff at MSSRF have stepped up to the challenge, engaging in immediate relief and health education, analysing the impact of the lockdown due to the pandemic on the rural economy and proposing solutions to revive rural livelihoods in the varied sites where we work.

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  • Balasubramanian. T.N., M. Devaraj and R. Rengalakshmi. 2020. Training manual for climate risk managers. Manual No. 87. Chennai: MSSRF. 57pp
  • Bhavani, R.V., Israel Oliver King, R. Rengalakshmi, R. Ramasubramanian, S. Velvizhi, V. R. Prabavathy and B. Jayashree. 2019. From 30 years to 2030: Achieving sustainable development goals and strengthening science for climate resilience. Proceedings No.80. Chennai: MSSRF. 54 pp.


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