Programme Area 200
In Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, a project on multi-storey mixed farm (MSMF) to increase income and improve nutrition status of tribal farm families and enhance environmental sustainability across six panchayats commenced in November 2019. The turnover of the Kolli Hills Agri-Bioresource Producer Company Ltd (KHABPCOL) crossed Rs.1 crore for the first time. In Odisha, two Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) were formed in Koraput for finger millet seed production and promotion of millet cultivation respectively; another FPO was formed in Ganjam for green gram seed production. Community Seed Banks managed by women self-help groups were established in three villages. In Wayanad, Kerala, ten new seed villages were established to promote the on-farm conservation of traditional medicinal and aromatic paddy varieties. For conserving threatened plant species, an ex-situ conservatory for the endemic genus Humboldtia was established at the M S Swaminathan Botanical Garden.