Programme Area 400
The programme promoted an institutional and systems framework in strengthening livelihoods and natural resource management in action research and in-depth field studies by commissioning projects in different sites. Six farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and two self-help group (SHG) federations are continuing their activities in promoting sustainable livelihoods among 13480 farmers and are also working on the sustainability dimension. One FPO has started working independently along with two SHG federations. The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been integrated in promoting sustainable livelihoods and has reached more than 60000 members across field sites. A new initiative on water resource management and climate adaptation was started, and the preparation of 1287 composite water resources management plans (CWRMPs) at the gram panchayat (GP) level is being facilitated along with site-specific climate-resilient water management measures. The research study on evergreen revolution is focusing on five critical research questions along with an action research for developing a soil management decision tool. The International Network of Emerging Libraries (INELI) has nurtured 76 library professionals as innovators to build and sustain the public library movements, and 218031 members covering a diverse cross-section of people were reached.