Confronting Discrimination: Some Approaches to the Issue of Female Infanticide
Title | Confronting Discrimination: Some Approaches to the Issue of Female Infanticide |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Mina S |
Journal | Search Bulletin |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 3 |
Start Page | 64-74 |
Pagination | 11 |
Date Published | Jul-Sep/1998 |
Type of Article | Journal |
Keywords | Female Infanticide |
Abstract | It was in 1991, when we were invited to a dialogue on female infanticide by the then Minister for Social Welfare of Tamil Nadu, shortly after the publication of a study on the subject by Aditi, that the Foundation*began its involvement with the issue. It became clear at the outset that there was a wide gap between the perceptions of the government and those of the NG0s. Soon after this meeting, the government announced measures like the Cradle Baby Scheme and the Girl Child Scheme which were severely criticized by the NGO sector for both concept and implementation. A few attempted dialogues followed, but the gap only widened and hostile attitudes on both sides, exacerbated by the media, became more firmly entrenched. We realized thatas an institution with some credibility, but one which was also clearly seen to not be a direct 'player' in the field, we were uniquely, positioned to undertake some activities which would provide greater clarity and understanding, and might even help bring together all the concerned parties. We could only begin from our own areas of strength. Documentation and communication suggested themselves as entry points. |