
Year: 2003
Author Year Title Publication Journal
V. Selvam 2003 Environmental classification of Mangrove Wetlands of India Environmental Classification.pdf Current Science
Subbiah Arunachalam 2003 Information for Research in Developing Countries: Information Technology – Friend or Foe? Friend_or_foe.pdf Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
V. Selvam; KK Ravichandran; L Gnanappazham; M Navamuniyammal 2003 Assessment of community-based restoration of Pichavaram mangrove wetland using remote sensing data pich_mang_chang.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
M.S. Swaminathan 2003 Enhancing our agricultural competitiveness Curr_Sc_2003.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Year: 2002
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Mukkamala Lakshmi; Madasamy Parani; Ajay Parida 2002 MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY OF MANGROVES IX Molecular marker assisted intra-specific variation and species relationships in the Indian mangrove tribe Rhizophoreae Aquatic Botany
M .Parani; M.N. Jithesh; M. Lakshmi; A .Parida 2002 Cloning and Characterization of a Gene Encoding Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme from the Mangrove Species, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. Ind. J. Biotechnology
S.R. Prashanth; M. Parani; B.P. Mohanty; V. Talame; R. Tuberosa; A. PARIDA 2002 Genetic diversity in cultivars and landraces of Oryza sativa subsp. indica as revealed by AFLP markers Genome
M. Lakshmi; M. Parani; P. Senthilkumar; Ajay Parida 2002 Molecular phylogeny of mangroves VIII: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation for species identification and relationships in Indian mangrove Rhizophoraceae Wetland ecology and conservation
M.S. Swaminathan 2002 The Past, Present and Future Contributions of Farmers to the Conservation and Development of Genetic Diversity the_past,present_and_future_contribution_of__farmers.pdf Managing Plant Genetic Diversity
M. Lakshmi; M .Parani; S. Rajalakshmi; Parida Ajay 2002 Analysis of Species Relationship Among Seven Small Millets Using Molecular Markers . J. Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
