
Year: 2024
Author Year Title Publication Journal
T. Kanitkar; A. Mythri; T. Jayaraman 2024 Equity assessment of global mitigation pathways in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Climate Policy
K. SaiDinesh; P. Parameswaran; N. AnilKumar; V. Shakeela 2024 Equipping local self governments and development practitioners in managing common pool resources – A case of Pampa River in Kerala State, India APN Science Bulletin
S. Sravani; A. Gopalkrishna; A. Shafni-John; R. Ramasubramanian; G. Kesavaperumal; N. Marimuthu-Prabhu; B. Dhasarathan; N. Bhoopathy-Natarajan 2024 Incidence of mud crab reovirus (MCRV) outbreak in polyculture ponds of Andhra Pradesh, south east coast of India Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
K.C. Lenka; D. Sahu 2024 Tribal Life and impact of safe drinking water in safe guarding the family health and hygiene: A case study of Koraput Odisha Water paper published in April 2024 Kartik and Dipti.pdf Stard Research
V. Selvam; R. Ramasubramanian; K. Kathiresan; M. G.Manoj Prasanna; K. A.Sunanda Kodikara; M. D. Amarasinghe; E. L. Suárez 2024 Mangroves of South India and Sri Lanka, and Maldives IUCN Paper Rams_compressed.pdf IUCN Red List of Ecosystems
Year: 2023
Author Year Title Publication Journal
V.R. Sowmithri; P. Radhapriya; J.K Purohit; R. Nagarajan; R. Rengalakshmi; Leal Filho; M. Kovaleva; F. Alves; I.R. Abubakar 2023 Composite Water Resources Management: A Decentralized Approach for Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Strategies: Handling the Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate. Climate Change Management.
SITHRANGA BOOPATHY; R Ramasubramanian 2023 Vegetative Propagation for Restoration and Conservation of Mangroves Indian Forester
P. Prajeesh; N. AnilKumar 2023 Access and Benefit Sharing: Agro Biodiversity and Farmers’ Rights on Seeds—The Case of Indigenous Rice Varieties of Wayanad, Kerala, India Biodiversity Conservation Through Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS)
Sangeetha Rajeesh 2023 M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation – Annual International Conference Current Science
Poompuhar MSSRF 2023 Marking the 14th Anniversary of Fish for All Research and Training Centre :An Institution for increasing the resilience capacity of small-scale fishing, farming and tribal communities 14th year of FISH FOR ALL RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTRE V7_Final(1)_compressed.pdf
