
Year: 2020
Author Year Title Publication Journal
T Jayaraman 2020 GOI And COVID-19: Lack of Strategic Vision, Focus on Political Capital Newsclick
T Jayaraman; Tejal Kanitkar 2020 Reject this inequitable climate proposal The Hindu
T Jayaraman; Madura Swaminathan 2020 Boosting India's Agricultural productivity should be the top most priority
Year: 2008
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M.S. Swaminathan 2008 For an action plan for Bihar : Action to revive livelihoods when the floods recede is as important as savinglives. This will call for a proactive,“beyond-the-flood strategy.” msswami.hindu (1).doc The Hindu
Year: 2007
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Sudip Mitra 2007 Climate change will pose new challenges to disaster management climate_change_will_pose_new.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Year: 2006
Author Year Title Publication Journal
A ArivudaiNambi 2006 The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture The_impact_of_climate_change_on_agriculture.docx Yojana
