
Year: 2000
Author Year Title Publication Journal
2000 Tenth Annual Report AR1999-2000.pdf
M.S. Swaminathan 2000 Farm policies pro-urban consumers, says M.S. Swaminathan -- `Huge imports of pulses, oilseeds defy logic' July_08,_2000.doc Business Line
M.S. Swaminathan 2000 Government - industry - Civil society partner - Ships in integrated gene management * article_id_078_05_0555_0562_0.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Year: 1999
Author Year Title Publication Journal
KK KOUL; SN RAINA; Parida Ajay; MS BISHT 1999 Sex differences in meiosis between Kcia faba L. and its close wild relatives Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
P. Senthilkumar; M. Parani; M. Lakshmi; M.N. Jithesh; A. PARIDA 1999 The Electronic Plant Gene Register Plant Physiol
M.S. Swaminathan 1999 Genetically modified organisms in agriculture: A risk-aversion package CurrSc_1999_76_4.doc
M.S. Swaminathan 1999 To ensure the survival of the weakest Dec._11_-_24,_1999__frontline.doc Frontline
1999 Sri Lankan Women and Men as Bioresource Managers Srilankan women & men as bioresource.pdf Sri Lankan Women and Men as Bioresource Managers
M.S. Swaminathan 1999 Science in response to basic human needs* science_in_response.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
1999 THE FIRST TEACHER 511-The first teacher.pdf child care workers in the voluntary sector in Tamil Nadu
