Species Status and Relationship Between Roccella montagnei and Roccella belangeriana Using DNA Sequence Data of Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer Region

TitleSpecies Status and Relationship Between Roccella montagnei and Roccella belangeriana Using DNA Sequence Data of Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer Region
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsPrashanth SR, Bharath P, Valarmathi R, Balaji P, Parida A, Hariharan GN
JournalJ. Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology
Start Page91
End page94
Date Published01/2008
KeywordsITS region, J. Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Roccella, species pair

Roccella montagnei Bél emend Awas and R. belangeriana Awas were keyed out as distinct species based on their reproductive strategies. These two species are similar in their morphology and secondary chemistry. The phylogenetic relationship analysis using maximum parsimony method based on ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA clustered these two species in a single clade with a bootstrap value of 100 indicating that these two species are the same.

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