Atlas of the Sustainability of Food Security in India

TitleAtlas of the Sustainability of Food Security in India
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsFoundation M.S.Swaminatha
Number of Pages346
Other NumbersMSSRF/BK /03/03
KeywordsAtlas, Food Security, Sustainable

The origins of the terms Sustainability and Food
Security reveal the context in which they were
coined. In 1980, The World Conservation Union
(IUCN) proposed the concept of sustainable
development in its publication World
Conservation Strategy. This report was released in
New Delhi in March 1980 by the then Prime
Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi. In 1987, a
report titled Our Common Future, published by
the World Commission on Environment and
Development, Chaired by Dr.Gro Harlem
Brundtland refined this concept further and
defined the word ‘sustainability’ as “meeting the
present need without compromising on the future
needs.” Later in 1996, the Food and Agricultural
Organization, on the occasion of the World Food
Summit defined the term ‘Food Security’ in a
report titled Food for All.


M S Swaminathan Research Foundation

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