The Evolution and Significance of Jounti Seed Village

TitleThe Evolution and Significance of Jounti Seed Village
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1968
AuthorsSwaminathan M.S.
JournalIndian Farming
Start Page-
End page-
Date Published1968
KeywordsEvolution and Significance, Jounti Seed Village, Seed Village

During the last few years we have been witnessing a rapid shift from a static to a scientific agriculture in our country. This shift gained greatly in momentum during 1967, since favourable weather conditions and high price levels provided condition conducive to creating the motivation necessary for maximising farm production. the catalyst in this "New Frontiers' Movement" in out agriculture is the high yielding variety. The dramatic increase in yield and income which the new varieties of rice and wheat and hyhrids of jowar, bajra and maize bring about when they are grown with adequate quantities of fertilizers and other inputs, has helped to raise the sights of the farming community and has led to the interest now evident in the seeds of new strains.

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