Energy Use and Women’s Work in Agriculture - Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

TitleEnergy Use and Women’s Work in Agriculture - Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNathan D, Manjula M, RENGALAKSHMI R, Kelkar G
JournalEconomic & Political Weekly
Start Page79
End page86
Date Published04/2018
KeywordsAgriculture; Energy in agriculture; Green house gas

Changes in women’s use of energy in agriculture, in the spheres of crop production and social reproduction, can bring about a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Two technological changes—the shift from household
cooking with carbon-emitting solid biomass fuels to liquified petroleum gas as a clean cooking fuel; and the
shift from methane-emitting flooded rice cultivation to the System of Rice Intensification with electricity-based alternate wetting and drying—have been considered in this regard. The changes in women’s roles and energy use accompanying these technological interventions have been examined.

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