Thirty Years of MSSRF: Influencing Policy Change

TitleThirty Years of MSSRF: Influencing Policy Change
Publication TypeOccasional Publications
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFoundation M.S.Swaminatha
Date Published08/2019
PublisherM. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
Place PublishedChennai
Publication LanguageEnglish

Advocacy for policy change, at local, national and international levels,has always been a focus at MSSRF. One of the early initiatives at MSSRF, begun in 1988, was an annual dialogue that brought together policymakers and scientists on one neutral platform to discuss issues of contemporary concern. Of the many such dialogues over the years, one of the first took stock of the green revolution in the context of sustainable food production. Workshops for policymakers on the question of biodiversity, held in late 1992 and early 1993, resulted in important recommendations at the national level. As documented in this publication, MSSRF contributed to legislation on issues such as biodiversity management and protectyion of farmers'varieties.


M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

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