Gender Sensitization: A Step Towards Gender Inclusiveness

TitleGender Sensitization: A Step Towards Gender Inclusiveness
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsVishnu S., Bhatt A.
Book TitleEngendering Agricultural Development
KeywordsExtension, farm women, Feminization, Gender, Sensitivity

Women across the world are engaged in farming in multifarious roles and contribute immensely to the agricultural production. However, given the marginalization of majority of women in farming, it is realized that their contributions are hardly acknowledged. Their productive capacities and access to resources are largely constrained by poor understanding of their issues and needs by administrators and prevailing socio cultural barriers. Studies suggest that gender is a key determinant in shaping these constraints. In India,
participation of women in agriculture and allied sectors is on a rise and more women are expected to join the agricultural work force in the coming years. In such a backdrop, the recent developmental efforts tried to understand and fix the issues specific to gender with unique approaches.Gender sensitization is one
such key approach which tries to build increased understandingand sensitivity of stakeholders towards issues of women in agriculture. Interventions under this approach include enhancing representation of women at various levels, targeted programmes to stimulate behavioural change and redesigning the institutional
service delivery mechanisms. Promising approaches of this kind are crucial in agriculture sector to move further towards the end of inclusive development.


M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

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