Mobility in contexts of precarity

TitleMobility in contexts of precarity
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNitya R, Manimohan R, Pratheepa C.M.
Book TitleFisherfolk in Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka
PublisherRoutledge India
ISBNeBook 9781003053026
KeywordsCoastal Tamil Nadu, Fisher Folk, Migrant fishers

The chapter examines different types of migration practised in coastal Tamil Nadu and the role of kinship, friends, and other support networks in enabling such movements. On the basis of survey data and qualitative research in two districts of Tamil Nadu, the authors unpack the differences between various migrtation streams: overseas for fishing, overseas for non-fishing work, multiday fishing. domestic non-fishing, and distress migration. Distress migration is characteristic of nontraditional fishers, both from coastal Tamil Nadu and from other parts in India. They migrate to work as crew on semi-industrial ring seine fishing fleets and for small-scale fishing units. There are considerable variations between the different migration streams from districts and fishing communities, but fishers from Kanyakumari District perform better overall, due in part to their strong social institutions, which include the Church. The differences shape both the migrants' experiences of migration and the well-being outcomes in contexts of precarious labour.

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