Unravelling the physiological basis of salinity stress tolerance in cultivated and wild rice species

TitleUnravelling the physiological basis of salinity stress tolerance in cultivated and wild rice species
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsShahzad B, Yun PYun, Shabala L, Zhou M, Gothandapani S, Gayatri V, Chen Z-H, Shabala SShabala
JournalFunctional Plant Biology
Start Page351
End page364
Date Published22/02/2022
Type of ArticleJournal
KeywordsChlorophyll content, Na+ sequestration, Osmoregulation, Salinity stress tolerance, Stomata, Tissue tolerance, Wild rice, Xylem ion loading

Wild rice species provide a rich source of genetic diversity for possible introgression of salinity stress tolerance in cultivated rice. We investigated the physiological basis of salinity stress tolerance in Oryza species by using six rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) and four wild rice species. Three weeks of salinity treatment significantly (P < 0.05) reduced physiological and growth indices of all cultivated and wild rice lines. However, the impact of salinity-induced growth reduction differed substantially among accessions. Salt tolerant accessions showed better control over gas exchange properties, exhibited higher tissue tolerance, and retained higher potassium ion content despite higher sodium ion accumulation in leaves. Wild rice species showed relatively lower and steadier xylem sap sodium ion content over the period of 3 weeks analysed, suggesting better control over ionic sodium xylem loading and its delivery to shoots with efficient vacuolar sodium ion sequestration. Contrary to this, saline sensitive genotypes managed to avoid initial Na+ loading but failed to accomplish this in the long term and showed higher sap sodium ion content. Conclusively, our results suggest that wild rice genotypes have more efficient control over xylem sodium ion loading, rely on tissue tolerance mechanisms and allow for a rapid osmotic adjustment by using sodium ions as cheap osmoticum for osmoregulation.

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