Genetically and functionally diverse symbiotic and non-symbiotic native bacteria colonized root nodules of Erythrina brucei growing in different land use types in Ethiopia

TitleGenetically and functionally diverse symbiotic and non-symbiotic native bacteria colonized root nodules of Erythrina brucei growing in different land use types in Ethiopia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBerza B., Jegan S., Prabavathy V.R., Pagano M.C., Assefa F.
KeywordsARDRA analysis, Gene functional analysis, Legume nodule, nifH gene, Passenger endophyte bacteria

Erythrina brucei is a woody legume tree used as mulch, green manure and cover crop in conventional agroforestry practices. This paper explores genetic diversity and plant growth promoting traits of bacteria associated with nodules of E. brucei by trap culture method using 15 field soils. Only 67% of soil samples induced nodulation and 27 bacteria were isolated, in which 15 possessed nifH, 9 phosphate solubilizers and IAA producers and showed growth at 1.0–3.5% of NaCl. The ARDRA analysis revealed 12 clusters at 75% similarity level and distributed into 6 genera and 9 species. Species Bradyrhizobium cajani and Bradyrhizobium cytisi were observed for the first time in the nodules E. brucei. Genetically, functionally and phylogenetically diverse bacteria occur in the nodules of E. brucei. Isolate BU1 could be a potential bioinoculant candidate which can be used for the promotion of the host plant.

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