
Year: 2016
Author Year Title Publication Journal
B Jayashree 2016 Pulses – productivity and profitability Pulses – productivity and profitability.pdf Current Science
M Manjula; R RENGALAKSHMI 2016 Making Research Collaborations: Learning from Interdisciplinary Engagements GIM WP 2 GIM-Interdisciplinary-Paper.pdf
V. Ganga; S. Jegan; V.R. Prabavathy 2016 Acyl Homoserine LactoneProducing Rhizobacteria Elicit Systemic Resistance in Plants Microbial-mediated Induced Systemic Resistance in Plants
S Muthukumar; S Karthik; G N. Hariharan 2016 Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment Mycobiont and Whole Thallus.pdf Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment
Sadasivam Vepa Swarna; Viswanathan Brinda; Parasar Rohit; R.V. Bhavani 2016 Child Underweight, Land Productivity and Public Services: A District-level Analysis for India Child underweight, land productivity and public services a district-level analysis for India.pdf
N. AnilKumar; P. Parameswaran 2016 Community agrobiodiversity management: an effective tool for sustainable food and agricultural production from SEPLS SITR_vol2_complete.pdf Mainstreaming concepts and approaches of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes into policy and decision-making
J.Anabel Nancy; S.Karuppiah Jegan 2016 A Study on Sustainability Plan of Village Knowledge Centre in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh File 1.pdf IJSD
B Jayashree; Narayanan Aparna 2016 Approaches for a Hunger-Free India Nutrition Week Stakeholder Meeting 21Sep16 Final Report.pdf
J. John; K. A. Sujana; N. AnilKumar 2016 Study on distribution, propagation, phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of an endemic liana beaumontia jerdoniana wight STUDY ON DISTRIBUTION.pdf International Journal of Current Research
A. Mondal; E.D.I. OliverKing; S. Roy; S. Priyam; G. Meldrum; S. Padulosi; S. Mishra 2016 Making Millets matter in Madhya Pradesh Farming Matters 0216_F -1.pdf Farming Matters
