Making Millets matter in Madhya Pradesh

TitleMaking Millets matter in Madhya Pradesh
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMondal A., OliverKing E.D.I., Roy S., Priyam S., Meldrum G., Padulosi S., Mishra S.
MagazineFarming Matters
Date PublishedJune/2016
KeywordsMaking Millets, Millets in Madhya Pradesh, Millets matter

A decline in minor millet cultivation rings true across much of India. Yet a country wide revival of this cereal crop is in motion. Farmers are again recognising and asserting the value of minor millets, a cereal crop that was once central to their culture. A group of farmers in Madhya Pradesh have taken strength from farmers in Tamil Nadu who have successfully brought millet back into their fields, their homes and onto plates across their region. This is a story of how learning exchanges and partnerships support amplification of succcessful initiatives.

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