
Year: 2010
Author Year Title Publication Journal
2010 GIS Based Paticipatory Needs Assesment of Thachambath Village, Wayanad, Kerala Way on Waynad.pdf
M. GeethaRani 2010 Medicinal plants Viz a Viz indigenous knowledge among the tribals of pachamalai Hills IJTK_9(1)_209-215.pdf Indian journal of traditional knowledge
Nadesapanicker Anil Kumar; Girigan Gopi; Parameswaran Prajeesh 2010 Genetic Erosion and Degradation of Ecosystem Services of Wetland Rice Fields: A Case Study From Western Ghats, India Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets
2010 Himalayan seed vault established to preserve biological wealth 855-Himalayanseedvaultestablished.pdf The Hindu
2010 Launching a Climate cum Gene Care Movement Chennai Declaration 858-chennai-biodiversity-declaration.pdf International Conference on “Biodiversity in Relation to Food and Human Security in a Warming Planet”
2010 “Keep biodiversity or face hunger” 856-KeepbiodiversitytofaceHunger.pdf The Hindu
2010 “Keep biodiversity or face hunger” 856-KeepbiodiversitytofaceHunger.pdf The Hindu
2010 Moratorium on commercial cultivation of Bt Brinjal to continue 857-MoratoriumoncommercialcultivationofBtBrinjal.pdf
Odisha MSSRF 2010 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarante Scheme (MGNREGS) (ODIA) MNREGS_new (1).pdf
R. Rengalakshmi 2010 Characterisitcs, current relevance and rentention of traditional knowledge in agriculture UNU Book RR chapter.pdf.pdf Traditional knowledge in policy and practice: Approaches to development and human well-being
