Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India

TitleUse of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsRaghu PT, Das S, S. Ravi B, King E.D.Israel Oli
Start Page294
End page307
Date Published09/2012
KeywordsINDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, scientific information, Under utility of those species

Human beings have been evolving crops and varieties based on their preferences
since ages. There are several species preferred and improved by them which continue
to play a key role in their life. But many among them are found to be neglected due to
the changing social and cultural reasons and has thereby slowly disappeared from the
existence. Under utility of those species leads to extinction of a species and erosion
of genes. Under-utilised plant species can be characterised by the fact that they are
locally abundant but globally rare, that scientific information and knowledge about
them is scant, and that their current use is limited relative to their economic potential
(Gruère et al., 2007a, b).

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