
Year: 2016
Author Year Title Publication Journal
R S. ShanthakumarHopper; K Thachinamurthy 2016 Pulse Panchayat - Achieving self sufficiency in pulse production Pulse Panchayat.pdf L E I S A I N D I A
Year: 2014
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Arivudai Nambi; Raj Rengalakshmi; Manjula Madhavan; Lingappan Venkatachalam 2014 Building Urban Resilience - Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Chennai, India periurban agrl chennai final report.pdf
Year: 2013
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M.S. Swaminatha Foundation 2013 Biovillages: Transforming Lives and Livelihoods 20 Years of BioVillages LR.pdf
Year: 2012
Author Year Title Publication Journal
R. Rengalakshmi; P. Thamizoli 2012 Sustainable homestead gardens and resilience: Case study of Milandhoo island of Shaviyani atoll, The Maldives home garden maldieves paper 16 March 2012.pdf The Maldives
Year: 2011
Author Year Title Publication Journal
A. Gopalakrishnan; M. Rajkumar; Jun Sun; Gary G. Martin; Ajay Parida 2011 Impact of mineral deposition on shrimp, Penaeus monodon in a high alkaline water paper_04.pdf Journal of Environmental Biology
Year: 2010
Author Year Title Publication Journal
S. Malarvannan; G. Sujaikumar; D. Purushothaman; P. Shanthakumar; V.R. Prabavathy; S. Nair 2010 Laboratory Efficacy of Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimmermann) Against Different Stages of Helicoverpa armigera and its Biosafety on Trichogramma sp. Bioefficacy of Lecanicillium lecanii.pdf Hexopoda
Year: 2009
Author Year Title Publication Journal
S. Malarvannan; K. Priyadarshan; Arumugam Prasietha; Saran Prakash; V.R. Prabavathy; S. Nair 2009 Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Against Red Flour Bettle, Tribolium castaneum (HERBST) EFFICACY OF Beauveria.pdf Hexapoda
2009 Demonstration and Replication of Integrated Farming Systems at Chidambaram Demonstration & Replication of Integrated Farming at Chidmabaram.pdf Demonstration and Replication of Integrated Farming Systems at Chidambaram
R.S. Satyan; S. Malarvannan; P. Eganathan; S. Rajalakshmi; Ajay K. Parida 2009 Growth Inhibitory Activity of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in the Whole Seed Oil of Madagascar Periwinkle (Apocyanaceae) Against Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Growth inhibitory activity of fatty acid methyl esters in the whole seed oil of madasgascar periwinkle.pdf Journal of Economic Entomology
2009 Crab Fattening : Alternative Livelihood for Fisherwomen Crab Fattening.pdf
