
Year: 2020
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Nitya Rao; B. Jayashree 2020 COVID-19 is impacting women more than men nature india
C..M. Pratheepa; R. Rengalakshmi 2020 COVID-19 and women agricultural labourers: Field realities from Tamil Nadu TIGR2ESS: Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies: A Global Challenges Research Fund project
Swaminathan Research Foundation 2020 On Farmers and Farming in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Kerala, Odisha and Assam On Farmers and Farming.pdf
Purushothaman Duraisamy; Jegan Sekar; Anu D. Arunkumar; Prabavathy V. Ramalingam 2020 Kinetics of Phenol Biodegradation by Heavy Metal Tolerant Rhizobacteria Glutamicibacter nicotianae MSSRFPD35 From Distillery Effluent Contaminated Soils frontiers in Microbiology
N. Mathimaran; S. Jegan; M.N. Thimmegowda; V.R. Prabavathy; P. Yuvaraj; R. Kathiravan; M.N. Sivakumar; B.N. Manjunatha; N.C. Bhavitha; A. Sathish; G.C. Shashidhar; D.J. Bagyaraj; E.G. Ashok; D. Singh; A. Kahmen; T. Boller; P. Mäder 2020 Intercropping Transplanted Pigeon Pea With Finger Millet: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Boost Yield While Reducing Fertilizer Input 2020_Frnt. Sus. Food. Sys.pdf Front Sustain Food Syst
R.V. Bhavani; N. AnilKumar 2020 Redesigning our farming systems Redesigning our farming systems.docx
N. A. Aravind; G. Ravikanth 2020 Reconciling biodiversity conservation with agricultural intensification Reconciling biodiversity.pdf Current Science
Swaminathan Research Foundation 2020 Livelihoods of smallholder farmers engaged in floriculture in Tamil Nadu Livelihoods of smallholder farmers floriculture.pdf
M.S. Swaminathan 2020 From food security to nutrition security From food security to nutrition security.docx
R. Rajkumar; Vinod Pandit 2020 Working together online to support farmers during lockdown in India
