Failing to Flatten the Curve: How Tamil Nadu is Losing its Way in the COVID-19 Fight

TitleFailing to Flatten the Curve: How Tamil Nadu is Losing its Way in the COVID-19 Fight
Publication TypeNewspaper Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsJayaraman T.
Issue Date26/06/2020
Type of Articlenews
Keywordscovid19; tamil nadu; flattening curve

In contrast to its neighbours, the TN government has failed to invest in public action, instead insisting on channelling all its efforts through the bureaucracy.The Sathankulam custodial deaths, which happened as a result of extreme lockdown policing, are the tip of the iceberg of a COVID-19 crisis that is beginning to engulf Tamil Nadu. New infections are steadily on the rise, as is a death toll, the numbers of which have clearly been underplayed.

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