
Year: 2014
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M.S. Swaminatha Foundation 2014 Twenty-Fourth Annual Report MSSRF_Annual Report_2013-14.pdf
Prasun Kumar Das; R.V. Bhavani; M.S. Swaminathan 2014 A Farming System Model to Leverage Agriculture for Nutritional Outcomes FSN_Paper.pdf National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
P.C. Kesavan; R.D. Iyer 2014 LIVING LEGENDS IN INDIAN SCIENCE: M. S. Swaminathan: a journey from the frontiers of life sciences to the state of a ‘Zero Hunger’ world Living Legend.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Arivudai Nambi; Raj Rengalakshmi; Manjula Madhavan; Lingappan Venkatachalam 2014 Building Urban Resilience - Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Chennai, India periurban agrl chennai final report.pdf
S. Nagarajan; R.V. Bhavani; M.S. Swaminathan 2014 Operationalizing the concept of farming system for nutrition through the promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture Operationalizing the concept.pdf Current Science
Usha Balasundaram; Gayatri Venkataraman; Suja George; Ajay Parida 2014 Metallothioneins from a Hyperaccumulating Plant Prosopis juliflora Show Difference in Heavy Metal Accumulation in Transgenic Tobacco International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology
Praseetha Kizhakkedath; Vidya Jegadeeson; Gayatri Venkataraman; Ajay Parida 2014 A vacuolar antiporter is differentially regulated in leaves and roots of the halophytic wild rice Porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka Molecular Biology Report
Swarna Sadasivam Vepa; Vinodhini Umashankar; R.V. Bhavani; Rohit Parasar 2014 Agriculture and Child Under-Nutrition in India: A State Level Analysis Agriculture and Child.pdf
S. Jegan; V.R. Prabavathy 2014 Novel Phl-producing genotypes of finger millet rhizosphere associated pseudomonads and assessment of their functional and genetic diversity 2014_FEMS.pdf Federation of European Microbiological Societies
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. Swain; A. Parida 2014 Community biodiversity management: strengthening resilience of family farmers 98.pdf DEEP ROOTS
