
Year: 2006
Author Year Title Publication Journal
K R. SIVAPRAKASH; S KRISHNAN; K.DATTA SWAPAN; Ajay Parida 2006 Tissue-specific histochemical localization of iron and ferritin gene expression in transgenic indica rice Pusa Basmati (Oryza sativa L.) J_of_Genetics.pdf Journal of Genetics
M.S. Swaminathan 2006 Bridge rural-urban divide Bridge_rural-urban_divide,_says_M.S._Swaminathan.doc The Hindu
K. R. Sivaprakash; S. KRISHNAN; SWAPAN K. DATTA; AJAY K. PARIDA 2006 Tissue-specific histochemical localization of iron and ferritin gene expression in transgenic indica rice Pusa Basmati (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Genetics
V. Arunachalam 2006 Genetic erosion in plant genetic resources and early warning system : A diagnosis dilating genetic conservation Genetic_Erosion_in_Plant_Genetic_resources.doc
P Balaji; P Bharath; Satyan RS; GN Hariharan 2006 In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Roccella Montegnei Thallus Extracts Prithiviraj-Pub2.pdf Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants
2006 Saving 10 Keystone Plant Species of Western Ghats 25-saving 10 keystone plant species.pdf For the livelihood security of the tribal and rural communities of Wayanad District, Kerala, India
S. BalaRavi; I. Hoeschle-Zeledon; M.S. Swaminathan; E. Frison 2006 Hunger and poverty: the role of biodiversity Huger and Poverty.pdf Report of an International Consultation on The Role of Biodiversity in Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goal of Freedom from Hunger and Poverty Chennai, India, April 18-19, 2005
2006 CLIMBING A LONG ROAD : Women in Agriculture in India Ten Years after Beijing Climbing a Long Road.pdf Women in Agriculture in India Ten Years after Beijing
M N. Jithesh; S R. Prashanth; K R. SIVAPRAKASH; Ajay Parida 2006 Monitoring expression profiles of antioxidant genes to salinity, iron, oxidative, light and hyperosmotic stresses in the highly salt tolerant grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. by mRNA analysis Plant_Cell_Reports_2006.pdf Plant Cell Rep
Year: 2005
Author Year Title Publication Journal
2005 Harnessing the tools of the Space Age for Rural Transformation ISRO.pdf
