Enhancing nutritional security and promoting women empowerment in India through value chain interventions on minor millets

TitleEnhancing nutritional security and promoting women empowerment in India through value chain interventions on minor millets
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsOliverKing E.D.I., Nithya D.J.
Start Page 63
End page78
Date Published11/2023
Type of ArticleSurvey Study
KeywordsMillets, Nutritional Security, value chain, women empowerment

India faces a significant nutrition challenge. Previous interventions to improve food and
nutrition security have not been successful and women’s important contributions to agriculture and biodiversity
conservation have been ignored. This paper shares lessons learnt in the framework of a project undertaken
by Bioversity International, supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development on neglected
and underutilized species (NUS),which intended to mainstream nutritious minor millets, which appear to be
able to make a significant contribution of interlinked livelihood goals in India. The paper concludes with
recommendations for research, sustainable agriculture, government actions, value chain interventions and
mainstreaming of NUS.

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