Sacred Groves : Traditional Ecological Heritage

TitleSacred Groves : Traditional Ecological Heritage
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsOliverKing E.D.I., Viji C., Narasimhan D.
JournalInternational Journal of Ecology and Environmenatal Sciences
Start Page463
End page470
Date Published1997
Keywordskey stone species, Relicit species, Sacred Groves, Sthala Vrikshas

Patches of forest have been preserved by the local communities in the form of Sacred Groves. traboos and social sanctions protect the sacred groves from deterioration due to human interference. Several relecit, endemic and endangered species have been recorded from sacred groves. Sacred groves which form example of in situ conservation, also act as refugia for such species, and should be protected.


M S Swaminathan Research Foundation

Original PublicationInternational Scientific Publications, New Delhi
Publisher Category: 