Farmers' Rights and Plant Genetic Resources

TitleFarmers' Rights and Plant Genetic Resources
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsSwaminathan M.S.
JournalBiotechnology and Development Monitor
Start Page6
End page9
Date Published1998
KeywordsBiotechnology and Development Monitor, Farmers' rights; Indigenous Knowledge; Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); India.

In situ on-farm conservation of plant genetic resources is a very important component of conservation. Unfortunately, it is not yet recognized as an activity of supreme public interest. Tribal and rural families are thus conserving genetic variability for public good at their personal cost. It is this inequity inherent in the current recognition and reward systems that the concept of Farmers’ Rights seeks to end. While the concept of Farmers’ Rights is widely discussed, its practical operation remains the biggest challenge.

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