The science behind tradition

TitleThe science behind tradition
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsArunachalam V.
Start Page1272
End page1275
Date Published05/2001
Keywordsbiodiversity, CURRENT SCIENCE, gene-rich, invaluable genetic resources, resource-poor, site-specific cultivation practices

Tradition is a term intimately associated with biodiversity. Traditional varieties, traditional practices
of cultivation and traditional environment are examples in support. Tribal people consist of
8.4% of India’s total population (1991 census). Tribal habitats are biodiversity-rich, but tribal
farmers are resource-poor. Conceptually, tradition and science are two intersecting spheres that
overlap on principles. The intersection is conceived to represent reality. Tribal cultivation exhibits
some traditional practices with an underlying scientific basis. At the same time, there are traditions
of scientific concern needing appropriate modification. Rice cultivation in the Jeypore
tract of Orissa provides an example and a case that has been studied in depth. This paper presents
a possible synergy between tradition and science and argues that participatory research
with poor (tribal) and unreached farmers provides an option to ensure sustainable and improved
livelihood to them. Unlike high-yielding varieties technology, this option helps to preserve biodiversity-
rich habitats, prevents urban migration and promotes in situ on-farm conservation of biodiversity
through its sustainable use.

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