Participatory research in rice and elephant foot yam: A case study from Wayanad

TitleParticipatory research in rice and elephant foot yam: A case study from Wayanad
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsRajees P.C., Asiya P., Arun R., Gopi G.
Book TitleProspects in Forestry and Agriculture
PublisherKerala Forest Research Institute
ISBN Number978-81-85041-80-3
Keywordscase study from Wayanad, Participatory research, rice and elephant foot yam

The popularity of participatory research approaches is largely driven by the expected benefits from bridging the gap between formal agricultural science institutions and local farm families, making agricultural research more relevant and effective. Promotion of scientific cultivation practices and selection of varieties suitable to the locality were carried out under a project being implemented by M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation in Wayand district. Experiments related to the varietal selections and yield enhancements were carried out using farmers' methods and improved scientific methods to compare and assess their performance under various management practices. This study was carried out in Rice and Elephant Foot Yam (EFY). Six varieties of Rice and three varieties of Elephant Foot Yam were used in Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS). The research plots were designed in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with six treatments and four replications. Unique approach has been adopted to ensure participation
of farmers in research process and farmer research groups have been formed to discuss the process and
evaluate the performance of research trials in each stage. Farmers' participation was ensured in identifying the varieties and farmers for involving in research process. Farm days have been conducted to select the best variety according to the criteria set by the farmers. Significant difference was noticed in yield enhancement trials of elephant foot yam (EFY). Farmers selected Sampada as the best variety in rice and Gajendra as the best variety in EFY. As an outcome of the participatory research, more farmers came forward to adopt scientific practices, Our experience shows that creative involvement of farmers in research process is critical to scale up improved farming practices and adoption of improved varieties. Participatory research trials also facilitated vertical and horizontal sharing of views, ideas and preference over traits.

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