Impacts of Home Gardening in Agrobiodiversity Hotspots among Small and Marginal Farm Households

TitleImpacts of Home Gardening in Agrobiodiversity Hotspots among Small and Marginal Farm Households
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGopi G., Arunraj R., Rajees P.C
JournalMadras Agricultural Journal
Start Page187
End page191
Date Published06/2016
KeywordsDietary Diversity, Gender, Marginal farmers. Agrobiodiversity, Nutritional Security, social network

Dietary diversity and consequent nutritional security are vital for a healthy life. Changes in socioeconomic
conditions and commercialisation of agriculture have led long lasting changes in the land use pattern and gradual decline of home gardens in Kerala. Present paper illustrates the strategies adopted to revive home gardening in Wayanad district of Kerala. With the support of quantitative and qualitative data, this paper analyses the impacts of home gardening on small and marginal farm households in terms of ensuring dietary diversity, quality vegetables and fruits, and exercising choice of people. Study shows that home gardening increased women's status in terms of increased consumption of vegetables, exchanging seeds and vegetables with
neighbours and relatives, and increased their capacity in household decision makinfg pertained
to food and diet of the family members.

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