“Reviving and Strengthening Women’s Position and Agency in ensuring household food security – Role of Home Gardens”

Title“Reviving and Strengthening Women’s Position and Agency in ensuring household food security – Role of Home Gardens”
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRengalakshmi R., OliverKing E.D.I., Raghini B., Siddick S.A., Gurumoorthy V., Kaleeswari G.
Book TitleWomen in Agriculture Worldwide: Key Issues and Practical Approaches
CityNew York
KeywordsHome Garden; Women's Role

Home gardens are unique agricultural spaces and one of the oldest production systems; however, they are highly neglected in agricultural development programs. Women’s role, level of participation and responsibilities in home garden management varies across societies. In most cases women play a predominant role (Seeth et al. 1998 ; Talukder et al. 2000 ), whereas in others they perform a supportive role (Hoogerbrugge and Fresco 1993 ); this depends upon the purpose of managing the garden and kind of crops cultivated. In general the management of the home garden is labor intensive and needs continuous management and care. Issues related to women’s time, mobility, responsibility for food and care needs of family members, and other household reproductive tasks makes it convenient for women to play an active role in home garden management.

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