Folk Biological Classification of Minor Millet Species in Kolli Hills, India

TitleFolk Biological Classification of Minor Millet Species in Kolli Hills, India
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsRengalakshmi R.
JournalJournal of Ethno biology
Date Published2005
KeywordsFolk taxonomy, Kolli Hills, Malayali tribals, Minor millets

The paper attempts to present the classification of inter and intra specific minor by Malayali tribal farmers residing in Kolli Hills, Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, India. The different species are Panicum sumatrense Roth ex Roem. & Schult., Panicum miliaceum L., Paspalum scrobiculatum L. and Setaria italica (L)Beav. Tribal farmers classify different species of millets using a set of exclusive morphological characters. The different landraces of each species are categorized into two different levels. The primary level of categorization is based on certain morphological, agronomical and gastronomical characters of the landrace. The most useful parts are perceptually conceived and reflected in nomenclature, which subtly indicates the phylogenetic relationships among landraces. The secondary level categorization is based on practical usefulness of the landrace and several sub classifications exist base on a specific cultural value of taxa.

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