Characterisitcs, current relevance and rentention of traditional knowledge in agriculture

TitleCharacterisitcs, current relevance and rentention of traditional knowledge in agriculture
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsRengalakshmi R.
Book TitleTraditional knowledge in policy and practice: Approaches to development and human well-being
PublisherUnited Nations University Press
KeywordsAgriculture, Traditional knowledge in agriculture

Modern technological interventions have increased food production and created both negative and positive impact, especially on natural resources and their management. They are input intensive and have inevitably altered the ecological services of agro ecosystem. It has been reported that 60 per cent of ecosystem services are now degraded, contributing to a reversal in productivity gains (MA, 2005) that increases the vulnerability of farmers and farming systems. Studies indicate that scientific methods of intensive farming have reached only 30 per cent of resource-rich farmers, whereas the needs and priorities of nearly 70 per cent of the world's resource-poor farming communities were not adequately addressed (Nene,2006)

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