
Found 69 results
Mina S.  1991.  Child Care Services in Tamil Nadu. Economic & Political Weekly. :2988-2992.
Mina S.  1991.  Child Care Services in Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly. :5.
Mina S, Pankajam G, Visuwakumar U.  1991.  Whither Child Care Services - Tamil Nadu. Whither Child Care Services ? Child Care as an Essential Input Women's Development. :38-44.
Mina S.  1990.  First Three Years: A Sourcebook on Early Childhood Care and Education. :vi,146.
Mina S.  1990.  Theatre for the Young Child. Drama and the Young Child. :3.
Mina S.  1979.  Children of the Urban Poor : Problems and Opportunities. The journal of the Indian Association for Preschool Education. 29(3):15.
Mina S.  1979.  Children of the Urban Poor : Problems and Opportunities.. Children In India - Critical Issues in Human Development. :17-34.
Mina S.  1979.  Children of the Urban Poor: Problems and Opportunities. Social Action. 29(3)
Mina S.  1979.  Innovative Approaches in Management of Child Welfare- A Case Study. The Indian Journal of Public Administration. XXV(3):689-699.
Mina S.  1978.  A Textbook with a Difference - Educating the Elite. The Child- Education Newsletter. LVII(3rd Quarter)
Mina S.  1975.  Chellamma - A Portrait Revisited. Indian Women-Revisted. :219-230.
Mina S.  1968.  Drama in Schools. :136.
