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Addressing Nutrient Inadequacy of Women in Odisha. Intersecting Paths of Sustainable Development, Urbanization, and Women’s Empowerment.
2025. A Step Ahead in School Nutrition Programmes: The Case of Tamil Nadu. Economic & Political Weekly (EPW). 58(6):29.
2023. .
Endline Survey Report of Farming System for Nutrition Study. FSN Endline Survey Report. :65.
2021. COVID-19 and women agricultural labourers: Field realities from Tamil Nadu. TIGR2ESS: Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies: A Global Challenges Research Fund project.
2020. .
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2020. Gender, Water, and Nutrition in India: An Intersectional Perspective. Water Alternatives. 12(1):191.
2019. Promoting neglected and underutilized species to boost nutrition in LMICs. UNSCN Nutrition 44. :10-25.
2019. .
Food Distribution Value Chains under the Integrated Child Development Services. IDS Bulletin . 49:9(73-89).
2018. Bioresources for Food and Nutrition Security – the case of Wild Edibles of Western Ghats.. Bioresources and Bioprocess in Biotechnology. 1:73-98.
2017. Crop based Demonstrations and Trials under Farming System for Nutrition Study in Koraput (2013‐16). :44.
2017. .
2017. Dietary Diversity and its Relationship with Nutritional Status among Adolescents and Adults in Rural India. Journal of Biosocial Science. :17.
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2017. Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in South Asia and East Africa: examining the enabling environment through stakeholder perceptions. Food Security. 7(3):477.
2015. Is There an Enabling Environment for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture in South Asia? Stakeholder Perspectives from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan Food and Nutrition Bulletin . 36(2):247.
2015. Micropropagation of Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. An important green leafy vegetable. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 11(2):237.