
Found 976 results
Durgaprasad D.  2014.  PAEDIATRICS IN A-YURVEDA. :103.
Chandrika C.S., Nandakumar P.M..  2014.  Paniya Adivasi Women's innovative Livelihood Development Endeavours in Farming. Empowering Women in Agriculture . :50-57.
Santhanam SRamachandr, Subramanian M, Egigu MC, Parida A.  2014.  Pentacyclic Triterpenoids and a Linear Alkane from the Milky Mangrove Tree (Excoecaria agallocha L.) are toxic to the larva of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner.(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae). International Journal of Advanced Research. 2(6):12.
Mishra C.S., Taraputia T., Suchen B..  2014.  Policy Advocacy for Climate Smart Agriculture in Millets: An Initiative for Ensuring Food Security in Tribal Communities of Koraput Tract, Odisha, India. Global Advanced Research Journal Scienceof Agricultural . 3(7):185.
[Anonymous].  2014.  Potential Fishing Zone Advisories and Conversion from Bottom Trawling to Gillnetting: Role of MSSRF-INCOIS Partnership in Gilakaladindi Village in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh-a preliminary study. :48.
Vedavalli L., Velvizhi S., Maity S, Suvitha D., N Rao V, D Rao S, Dhanraj K.  2014.  Potential Fishing Zone Advisories and Conversion from Bottom Trawling to Gillnetting: Role of MSSRF-INCOIS Partnership in Gilakaladindi Village in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh-a preliminary study.
Rukmani R.  2014.  REFLECT IONS OF WOMEN FARMERS. :66.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2014.  Report on Some Aspects of Food Security Policy Interventions. :107.
Appunu C., RavindraKumar V., Sreenivasa V., Manjunatha T., Mahadevaiah C., Sasirekha N., Prabavathy V.R., Nair S..  2014.  Symbiotic effect of Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense isolates over Bradyrhizobium japonicum with soybean. Legume Research. 38(2):270.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2014.  Twenty-Fourth Annual Report. :210.
Kizhakkedath P, Jegadeeson V, Venkataraman G, Parida A.  2014.  A vacuolar antiporter is differentially regulated in leaves and roots of the halophytic wild rice Porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka. Molecular Biology Report .
Mahalakshmi R, Eganathan P, Parida A.  2014.  Vitro regeneration from different ages of petioles of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). African Journal of Biotechnology. :273.
Meldrum G., Sthapit S., Rojas W., OliverKing E.D.I..  2013.  Agricultural biodiversity enhances capacity to adapt to climate change. New Agriculturist.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2013.  Biovillages: Transforming Lives and Livelihoods. :100.
Mahalakshmi R, Eganathan P, Ajay P.  2013.  Changes in Secondary Metabolite Production in Jatropha curcas Calluses Treated with NaCl. Analytical Chemistry Letters. :369.
Deepika N., Eganathan P., Sujanapal P., Parida A.  2013.  Chemical Composition of Syzygium benthamianum (Wt. ex Duthie) Gamble Essential oil - An endemic and Vulnerable Tree Species. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 16(2):293.
Kathiravan R., Jegan S., Ganga V., Prabavathy V.R., Tushar L., Sasikala C., Ramana C.V..  2013.  Ciceribacter lividus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of chick pea ( Cicerarietinum L.). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. :4488.
Foundation M.S.Swaminatha.  2013.  COMMUNITY HUNGER FIGHTERS.
OliverKing E.D.I., BalaRavi S., Padulosi S..  2013.  Creating an economic stake for conserving the diversity of small millets in the Kolli Hills, India”.. Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. :194-200.
Sthapit B., Lamers H., Rao R..  2013.  Custodian Farmers of Agricultural Biodiversity : Selected Profiles from South and South East Asia. Proceedings of the workshop of Custodian Farmers of Agricultural Biodiversity, 11-12 February 2013. :74.
[Anonymous].  2013.  Estimating compensation payments for on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity in developing countries. 87:14.
Krishna V.V., Drucker A.G., Pascual U., Raghu P.T., OliverKing E.D.I..  2013.  Estimating compensation payments for on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity in developing countries. Ecological Economics. :123.
Padulosi S., BalaRavi S.;, Rojas W., Valdivia R., Jager M., Polar V., Gotor E., Bhag M..  2013.  Experiences and lessons learned in the framework of a global un effort in support of neglected and underutilized species. Acta Horticulturae. 979:532.
BalaRavi S.P..  2013.  Farmers’ rights, their scope and legal protection in India. Community Biodiversity Management: Promoting Resilience and the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. :6.
DAS A., KESARI V., V. SATYANARAYANA MADURAI, PARIDA A., MITRA S., RANGAN L..  2013.  Genetic diversity in ecotypes of the scarce wild medicinal crop Zingiber moran revealed by ISSR and AFLP marker analysis and chromosome number assessment. Plant Biosystems. :10.
