
Found 976 results
Ganga V., Jegan S., Prabavathy V.R..  2016.  Acyl Homoserine LactoneProducing Rhizobacteria Elicit Systemic Resistance in Plants. Microbial-mediated Induced Systemic Resistance in Plants . :135-146.
Jayashree B, Aparna N.  2016.  Approaches for a Hunger-Free India. :20.
Swarna SVepa, Brinda V, Rohit P, Bhavani R.V..  2016.  Child Underweight, Land Productivity and Public Services: A District-level Analysis for India. 6
AnilKumar N., Parameswaran P..  2016.  Community agrobiodiversity management: an effective tool for sustainable food and agricultural production from SEPLS. Mainstreaming concepts and approaches of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes into policy and decision-making. 2:71-84.
Sasikumar P., Prabha B., Reshmitha T.R, Veluthoor S., Pradeep A.K, Rohit K.R, Dhanya B.P, Sivan V.V., Jithin M.M, N. Kumar A et al..  2016.  Comparison of antidiabetic potential of (+) and (-)-hopeaphenol, a pair of enantiomers isolated from Ampelocissus indica (L.) and Vateria indica Linn., with respect to inhibition of digestive enzymes and induction of glucose uptake in L6 myotubes. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY. :77082.
Muthukumar S, Karthik S, Hariharan GN.  2016.  Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment. Cryptogam Biodiversity and Assessment. 1(1):20.
Anuradha G., Phate S.  2016.  Custom Hiring Centre of Farm Implements. Indian Farming. 65(11):29.
Karthik S., Muthukumar S., Hariharan G.N..  2016.  Developmental stages and secondary compound biosynthesis of mycobiont and whole thallus cultures of Buellia subsororioides. Mycological Progress.
Nithya D.J., Bhavani R.V..  2016.  Do Dietary Diversity Indices Reflect the Nutritional Status of School Aged Children? The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics. 53(4):416.
Pradhan A., Panda A.K., Maske M., Bhavani R.V..  2016.  Enhancement of Food and Nutritional Security of Rural Poor through Tuber Crops. Journal of Root Crops. 42(2):162.
OliverKing E.D.I., Siddick S.A., Gopi G., Kav N..  2016.  Enhancing crop diversity leads to farm resilience. L E I S A I N D I A. :21-23.
Rengalakshmi R., Nagothu USekhar.  2016.  Gendered adaptation to climate change in canal irrigated agro-ecosystems. Agroecology and Conservation . :259-278.
Swaminathan M.S..  2016.  Hunger-Free India. Bhavan's Journal. :31.
Swaminathan M.S., Rengalakshmi R.  2016.  Impact of extreme weather events in Indian agriculture: Enhancing the coping capacity of farm families. MAUSAM. 67(1):4.
King IOliver ED.  2016.  Impact of Reduced drudgery of women in production and post-harvest processing of small millets. :18.
Gopi G., Arunraj R., Rajees P.C.  2016.  Impacts of Home Gardening in Agrobiodiversity Hotspots among Small and Marginal Farm Households. Madras Agricultural Journal. 103:191.
Mondal A., OliverKing E.D.I., Roy S., Priyam S., Meldrum G., Padulosi S., Mishra S..  2016.  Making Millets matter in Madhya Pradesh. Farming Matters. :4.
