
Year: 2021
Author Year Title Publication Journal
C. N. Sunil; P. M. Salim; M. K.R. Narayanan; V. M. Nithya; N. AnilKumar; M. G. SANILKUMAR 2021 Neanotis prabhuii, a new species of Rubiaceae from Western Ghats, India phytotaxa
D.J. Nithya; S. Raju; A.K. Panda 2021 Does Social Parameters and Landholding Size Affect Household Food Security in Rural India? Does Social Parameters and Landholding Size.pdf Open Journal of Social Sciences
T Jayaraman; Tejal Kanitkar 2021 Deconstructing declarations of carbon-neutrality The Hindu
M.S. Swaminatha Foundation 2021 Mobile-based personalized advisory with insurance component helps in reducing agriculture risks PBI Case studies Season 3 (2).pdf
P. M. Salim; N. AnilKumar; M. Jose; M. Saleem 2021 Peristylus parishii (Orchidaceae); A New Record to Kerala The Indian Forester
Akanksha Nagpal; Frances Williams; Arun Jadhav; S. Malarvannan; R. Rengalakshmi 2021 Bundling Agricultural Services under Seeing Is Believing and Plantwise: Benefits and Opportunities CABI-Study-Brief-38.pdf
S. Vishnu; A. Thomas; A. Bhatt 2021 Towards Tribal Empowerment through producer collectivity: The case of Shreyas Tribal Farmer producer company ltd. Towards tribal_Archana_abstract.pdf Catalysing Sustainable development through producers Collectivities
S. Vishnu; A. Bhatt 2021 Gender Sensitization: A Step Towards Gender Inclusiveness Gender Sensitization.pdf Engendering Agricultural Development
Gayatri Venkataraman; S. Shabala; A.A. Véry; H.G. Neelakantan; S. Somasundaram; S. Pulipati; G. Sellamuthu; M. Harikrishnan; K. Kumari; L Shabala; M Zhou 2021 To exclude or to accumulate? Revealing the role of the sodium HKT1; 5 transporter in plant adaptive responses to varying soil salinity Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
A. Bhatt; P. Vipindas 2021 Value addition of MFPs – Potential tool to empower tribal community Value addition of MEPs_ Archana and Vipindas_new.pdf Magazine on Low External input sustainable Agriculture
