
Year: 2021
Author Year Title Publication Journal
N. Mathimaran; D. Singh; R. Rengalakshmi; M.N. Thimmegowda; V.R. Prabavathy; S. Jegan; E.D.I. OliverKing; D.J. Bagyaraj; T. Boller; A. Kahmen; P. Mäder 2021 MILLET-BASED INTERCROPPING SYSTEMS FACILITATED BY BENEFICIAL MICROBES FOR CLIMATE-RESILIENT, SUSTAINABLE FARMING IN TROPICS MILLET-BASED INTERCROPPING.pdf In Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security: Promoting neglected and underutilized species
Sergey Shabala; Mohammad Alnayef; Jayakumar Bose; Zhong-Hua Chen; Gayatri Venkataraman; Meixue Zhou; Lana Shabala; Min Yu 2021 Revealing the Role of the Calcineurin B-Like Protein-Interacting Protein Kinase 9 (CIPK9) in Rice Adaptive Responses to Salinity, Osmotic Stress, and K+ Deficiency. Plants
Palingamoorthy Gnanamoorthy; S. Chakraborty; R. Nagarajan; R. Ramasubramanian; V. Selvam; Pramit Kumar Deb Burman; Partha Sarathy; Mohd Zeeshan; Qinghai Song; Yiping Zhang 2021 Seasonal variation of methane fluxes in a mangrove ecosystem in South India: an eddy covariance-based approach. Seasonal Variation of Methane Fluxes in a Mangrove Ecosystem in South India.pdf Estuaries and Coasts
C.M. Pratheepa; R. Rengalakshmi 2021 Employment diversification among farm labourers: Caste perspective
P. Rampal; A. Pradhan; A.K. Panda; S. Raju; R.V. Bhavani 2021 Millets in farming systems in support of nutrition and social safety net programmes Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security: promoted neglected and underutilized species- issues in Agricultural Biodiversity
Year: 2020
Author Year Title Publication Journal
N. Mathimaran; S. Jegan; M.N. Thimmegowda; V.R. Prabavathy; P. Yuvaraj; R. Kathiravan; M.N. Sivakumar; B.N. Manjunatha; N.C. Bhavitha; A. Sathish; G.C. Shashidhar; D.J. Bagyaraj; E.G. Ashok; D. Singh; A. Kahmen; T. Boller; P. Mäder 2020 Intercropping Transplanted Pigeon Pea With Finger Millet: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Boost Yield While Reducing Fertilizer Input 2020_Frnt. Sus. Food. Sys.pdf Front Sustain Food Syst
R. Rajkumar; Vinod Pandit 2020 Working together online to support farmers during lockdown in India
Miing-Tiem Yong; Celymar Angela Solis; Barkat Rabbi; Samsul Huda; Rong Liu; Meixue Zhou; Lana Shabala; Gayatri Venkataraman; Sergey Shabala; Zhong-Hua Chen 2020 Leaf mesophyll K+ and Cl− fluxes and reactive oxygen species production predict rice salt tolerance at reproductive stage in greenhouse and field conditions. Plant Growth Regulation
Rao Nitya; C.M. Pratheepa 2020 Fishing in distant waters Fisherfolk in Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka
Rengalakshmi R; Nitya Rao 2020 Farmer Producer Organisations could help small holder farmers overcome the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown
