
Year: 2020
Author Year Title Publication Journal
T Jayaraman; Madura Swaminathan 2020 Boosting India's Agricultural productivity should be the top most priority
R. Ramasubramanian; Ravishankar Thupalli; Shanti Priya Pandey; Nalini Mohan 2020 Manual on Mangrove Nursery and Mangrove Genetic Resources Conservation Centre Nursery and MGRCC manual.pdf
G. Viswanath; S. Jegan; V.R. Prabavathy 2020 Detection of!Diverse N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone Signalling Molecules Among Bacteria Associated with!Rice Rhizosphere Detection of Diverse N-Acyl Homoserine.pdf Current Microbiology
G. Meldrum; S. Roy; N. Lauridson; E.D.I. OliverKing 2020 Promoting kodo and kutki millets for improved incomes, climate resilience and nutrition in Madhya Pradesh, India India Impact Brief _BRIEF.pdf
R.V. Bhavani; R. Gopinath; D.J. Nithya; S. Raju 2020 Good Nutrition – A Handbook for Trainers Nutrition education -.pdf
Anil N. Kumar; Israel Oliver E.D. King; V V. Sivan; Prashant Kumar Parida; Kartik Charan Lenka; V Shakeela; Jayesh Joseph; R V. BHAVANI; B Jayashree 2020 Promoting Local Health Traditions and Health Foods for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Mssrf Working Paper 14.pdf World Environment Day - Beyond COVID-19:
S. Raju; D.J. Nithya; A.K. Panda 2020 Strengthening Livelihoods and Enhancing Food and Nutrition Security of Small and Marginal Farmers in Koraput District of Odisha through a Farming System Model FSMK baseline survey report_Jan2020.pdf Baseline Survey Report
Nitya Rao; B. Jayashree 2020 COVID-19 is impacting women more than men nature india
C..M. Pratheepa; R. Rengalakshmi 2020 COVID-19 and women agricultural labourers: Field realities from Tamil Nadu TIGR2ESS: Transforming India's Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable food Supplies: A Global Challenges Research Fund project
Year: 2019
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Mahesh Maske; Sariput Landage; Manoj Sayre; R.V. Bhavani 2019 Nutritional and livelihood security through backyard poultry model in tribal regions of Maharashtra, India Nutritional and livelihood security.pdf Indian Journal of Poultry Science
