
Year: 2022
Author Year Title Publication Journal
A. Bhatt; P. Vipindas; P. R. Divya 2022 Weaving a classroom of hope in the farm LEISA
A. Bhatt; R. Raveendran; A. Habeeb 2022 A journey towards integrating dairy A journey towards integrating dairy.pdf LEIS India
Rengalakshmi R; Thamizoli Perumal; Venkataraman Balaji 2022 MobiMOOC – A Practical Learning Tool to Promote Corporate Literacy for Effective Functioning of Farmer Producer Organizations PCF10_Paper_2639_Ecotech.pdf PCF10
R. Ramasubramanian; N. S. Boopathy; R. Murugan; K. Gopalkrishna; G. N. Hariharan 2022 Biodiversity and Importance of mangroove ecosystem Mangrove Tamil-1 (1).pdf
N. AnilKumar; V. V. Sivan; P. Vipindas 2022 Promoting Local Health Traditions and Local Food Baskets: A Case Study from a Biocultural Hotspot of India 2022_Book_Biodiversity-Health-Sustainabi_new.pdf Biodiversity-HealthSustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)
Shilpha Jayabalan; Raja Rajakani; Kumkum Kumari; Shalini Pulipati; Raj.V. Ganesh Hariharan; Sowmiya Devi Venkatesan; Deepa Jaganathan; Pavan Kumar Kancharla; Kalaimani Raju; Gayatri Venkataraman 2022 Morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of coastal rice landraces to identify novel genetic sources of salinity tolerance Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
B. Berza; S. Jegan; V.R. Prabavathy; M.C. Pagano; F. Assefa 2022 Evaluation of inorganic phosphate solubilizing efciency and multiple plant growth promoting properties of endophytic bacteria isolated from root nodules Erythrina brucei Praba _BMC_Microbiology.pdf BMC Microbiology
Ramasubramanian R.; Boopathy N.S.; Murugan R.; Gopalkrishna K.; Hariharan G.N 2022 Biodiversity and Importance of mangroove ecosystem Mangrove Telugu-1.pdf
Year: 2021
Author Year Title Publication Journal
Shalini Pulipati; Suji. Somasundaram; Nitika Rana; Kavitha Kumaresan; Mohamed Shafi; Peter Civan; Gothandapani Sellamuthu; Deepa Jaganathan; Prasanna Venkatesan Ramaravi; S. Punitha; Kalaimani Raju; Shrikant S. Mantri; R. Sowdhamini; Parida Ajay; Gayatri Venkataraman 2021 Diversity of Sodium Transporter HKT1;5 Diversity in Genus Oryza Diversity of Sodium.pdf Rice Science
Kartik Charan Lenka 2021 Cultural Prospective V/S Ecological Importance of Sacred Groves A Case Study of Kantabaunsuni in Karaput Region of Odisha State Land and Water Resource Conservation Issues, Options & Experiences
