
Year: 2001
Author Year Title Publication Journal
2001 Like Paddy in Rock : Local Institutions and Gender Roles in Kolli Hills Like paddy in rock.pdf Local Institutions and Gender Roles in Kolli Hills
2001 Conservation, Enhancement and Sustainable and Equitable Use of Biodiversity -SDC Report - Phase I SDC Final Phase I 1998-2001 Report.doc
Year: 2000
Author Year Title Publication Journal
V. Arunachalam 2000 Paradigms of participatory enhancement of rice productivity: Suggestions based on a case study in India Paradigms_of_participatory.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE,
2000 Paradigms of participatory enhancement of rice productivity: Suggestions based on a case study in India 246 - Paradigms of participatory.pdf Current Science
M. GeethaRani 2000 Community Gene Banks Sustain Food Security and Farmers Rights Comm Gene Bank.pdf Biotechnology and Development Monitor
M. GeethaRani 2000 Community Gene Banks Sustain Food Security and Farmers’ Rights Community_Gene_Banks (1).doc Biotechnology and Development Monitor
Year: 1999
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M.S. Swaminathan 1999 Science in response to basic human needs* science_in_response.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Year: 1998
Author Year Title Publication Journal
M.S. Swaminathan 1998 Farmers' Rights and Plant Genetic Resources Farmers_Rights_and_Plant_genetic_resources.doc Biotechnology and Development Monitor
Year: 1997
Author Year Title Publication Journal
E.D.I. OliverKing; C. Viji; D. Narasimhan 1997 Sacred Groves : Traditional Ecological Heritage Sacred Groves Traditional Ecological Heritage.pdf International Journal of Ecology and Environmenatal Sciences
B. Gopal; P.S. Pathak; P.V. Dehadrai; A.G. Poniah 1997 Biodiversity Studies in India : Special Issue International Journal of Ecology and Environmental sciences.pdf International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
