Author | Year | Title | Publication | Journal |
Suja George; Gayatri Venkataraman; Ajay Parida | 2010 | A chloroplast-localized and auxin-induced glutathione S-transferase from phreatophyte Prosopis juliflora confer drought tolerance on tobacco | Plant Physiology |
Author | Year | Title | Publication | Journal |
S R. Prashanth; P Bharath; R Valarmathi; P Balaji; Ajay Parida; G N. Hariharan | 2008 | Species Status and Relationship Between Roccella montagnei and Roccella belangeriana Using DNA Sequence Data of Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer Region | J. Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology | |
G V. Parab; S Krishnan; M K. Janarthanam; K R. Sivaprakash; Ajay Parida | 2008 | ISSR and RAPD Markers Assessed Genetic Variation of Aerides maculosum – an Epiphytic Orchid from Goa, India | J. Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology |