
Year: 2006
Author Year Title Publication Journal
S. BalaRavi 2006 Holes in Indian laws promote biopiracy scidev_balaravi.docx Science
2006 വയനാട്ടിലെ ഭക്ഷ്യയോഗ്യമായ വന്യ ഇലവർഗ്ഗ സസ്യങ്ങൾ( Edible wild herbs in Wayanad) 42-Wayanattile bakshyayogyamaya vannya ila varga sasyangal.pdf Wayanattile bakshyayogyamaya vannya ila varga sasyangal
V Arunachalam 2006 Structuring the present for a sustainable future Structuring_the_present.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
Rengalakshmi Raj 2006 Harmonizing Traditional and Scientific Knowledge Systems in Rainfall Prediction and Utilization bridging.12.pdf Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems
V. Arunachalam; S.S. Chaudhury; S.K. Sarangi; T. Ray; B.P. Mohanty; V.A. Nambi; S. Mishra 2006 Rising on Rice: The Story of Jeypore Rising on rice The Story of Jeypore.pdf
M.S. Swaminatha Foundation 2006 Community Foodgrain Banks (Training Manual) CFB Manual - final.pdf
2006 Biovillage programme at Kodathur (Pondicherry) Biovillage programme.pdf Biovillage programme at Kodathur (Pondicherry) In partnership with State Bank of India
P C. Kesavan; Swaminathan M.S 2006 From Green Revolution to Evergreen Revolution: Pathways and Terminologies from_green_revolution_Curr_Sc_2006.pdf CURRENT SCIENCE
A ArivudaiNambi 2006 The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture The_impact_of_climate_change_on_agriculture.docx Yojana
2006 Biovillage programme at Kodathur (Pondicherry) Biovillage programme.pdf Biovillage programme at Kodathur (Pondicherry) In partnership with State Bank of India
