
Year: 1997
Author Year Title Publication Journal
1997 Services that Matter : an overview of childcare services in Tamil Nadu 512-Services that matter.pdf an overview of childcare services in Tamil Nadu
M. Parani; M. Lakshmi; S. Elango; Nivedita Ram; C.S. Anuratha; Ajay Parida 1997 Molecular phylogeny of mangroves 11. Intraand inter-specif ic variation in Avicennia revealed by RAPD and RFLP markers Genome
M Lakshmi; S Rajalakshm; M Parani; C S. Anuratha; Parida Ajay 1997 Molecular phylogeny of mangroves I. Use of molecular markers in assessing the intraspecific genetic variability in the mangrove species Acanthus ilicifolius Linn. (Acanthaceae) Theoretical and Applied
M. Lakshmi; S. Rajalakshmi; M. Parani; C. S. Anuratha; Ajay Parida 1997 Molecular phylogeny of mangroves I. Use of molecular markers in assessing the intraspecific genetic variability in the mangrove species Acanthus ilicifolius Linn. (Acanthaceae) Theor Appl Genet
1997 Gender Dimensions of Community Livelihood Strategies 486-gender dimensions of community livelihood strageties.pdf Gender Dimensions of Community Livelihood Strategies
Year: 1996
Author Year Title Publication Journal
1996 Balancing Multiple Roles (Tamil) 505-Ethanai kaikal pengalaku.pdf Ethanai Kaikal Pengaluk
1996 Sixth Annual Report AR1995-1996.pdf
N MATHAN; M Parani; Parida Ajay; Nair Sudha 1996 Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of rootnodulating bacterial strains from Arachis hypogaea with physiological characteristics of both fast and slow growers Letters in Applied Microbiology
1996 At a glance by jai ataglance.pdf
D. Ranjit 1996 The vanishing aborigines of the Andaman and Nicobar islands The Vanishing aborigines.pdf Current Science
