
Year: 2012
Author Year Title Publication Journal
L. Gnanappazham; V. Selvam 2012 Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations Strengthening Resilience in Post-disaster Situations
J. John; K. A. Ragi; K.A. Sujana; N. AnilKumar 2012 Analysis of phytochemical contents and antibacterial activity of an endangered tree (Cynometra travancorica Bedd.) of Western Ghats, India Advances in Biological research
Prabhakaran T. Raghu; Sukanya Das; Bala Ravi; E.D. Israel Oli King 2012 Use of contingent valuation to assess farmer preference for on-farm conservation of minor millets: Case from South India Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu MPRA_paper_43348.pdf Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
S Madhura 2012 Who has Access to Formal Credit in Rural India? Evidence from Four Villages, Review of Agrarian Studies Access_to_Formal_Credit_in_Rural_India.pdf Review of Agrarian Studies
M GeethaRani 2012 Ethonobotany of Pachamalai Hills Ethnobotany.pdf
E.D.I. OliverKing; S. BalaRavi 2012 Documentation and monitoring of agro-biodiversity and indigenous knowledge on-farm – Experiences from India On-farm conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and novel approaches to cope with climate change
M.S. Swaminathan 2012 This I believe: Agricultural Science and Genetics fgene-03-00282.pdf frontiers in GENETICS
Prabhakaran T. Raghu; Sukanya Das; Bala Ravi; E.D. Israel Oli King 2012 Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India PACS_Prabhakaran_IJAE_(2).pdf INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS
Jothiramshekar Saranya; Palanisami Eganathan; Puthiyapurayil Sujanapal; Ajay Parida 2012 Chemical Composition of Leaf Essential Oil of Syzygium densiflorum Wall. ex Wt. & Arn.- A Vulnerable Tree Species Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants
2012 Chromosome Variation and Evolution in Narbon Vetch, Vicia narbonensis L. Phytomorphology
